Hello beautiful! I'm Lynn and I live in Orlando, FL with my dog -also lots of plants and books. I love learning and teaching, I'm the mother of three grown children and am passionate about empowering people to truly gain freedom & understanding around their challenges in life. I love teaching about the mind-body-spirit connection, while helping others learn how powerful we each truly are, and that we can absolutely create more joy and passion for living.
I've been fascinated by the "inner world" most of my life- I had what I feel was a challenging childhood, experiencing pain, sorrow, loss & unhealthy patterns - all of which set me on an inner quest and helped me develop an intuitive knack for uncovering the drivers & connecting the dots to get to the core of issues. As an avid seeker of understanding myself and life and trying to solve the pain in myself & those around me, at 14, I found Wayne Dyer's Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. This book made a huge impact on me about what's possible for each of us. I've been pursuing answers ever since with numerous studies, trainings, seminars, reading, exploration and with my clients in coaching sessions.
As a society, I feel most of us try to distract ourselves from what ails us, which only brings temporary relief, Our "stuff" is still there and until we "clean it up," these things tend to affect many areas of our lives and even grow in strength, without us realizing how this happens.
When my own "buried treasure" came up again & again, I sought professional help and found most wanted to hand me a drug and be done with it. I wanted real healing! After numerous life challenges and my 2nd divorce, I undertook an intensive year long training with iPEC coaching, earned my certification, then was injured in a car accident. While seeking physical healing, I discovered even more about the mind/body/spirit connection, I discovered how powerful the subconscious mind is -it runs our lives on autopilot & did a lot of researching, trying many healing modalities: reiki, somatic healing, NLP, hypnosis, tapping, & the one that constantly amazes me in addressing our programs, Eye Movements. I underwent a lot of training, study, & practicing. I am truly excited to share these tools with You. We have the ability to change what's going on in our lives, and fairly easily! I felt like I'd discovered the missing key of life & I love sharing it with others! You too, can learn to be in charge of your mind and what you're attracting & creating in your life.
If you're ready to take the next step and learn more, please contact me today- I'll get back to you as soon as possible; I'm happy to talk and answer any questions. These understandings made all the difference in my life, and I know they can for you too!